Case-report discussion and expertise


Discussion forum for each case-report
The objectives of the discussion are to highlight any other similar situations and case-reports faced elsewhere, and to exchange about hypotheses, missing information, and relevant actions.

A physician submitting a case-report will be allowed to see and answer to all commentaries related to her/his case. The reporting physician will be invited to formulate a provisional summary of the discussion. OccWatch members, who signed a user charter, will have access to all case-reports notified and are invited to take part to the discussion.

Building a common expertise
Each case discussion is an opportunity to increase the level of knowledge and expertise of each member. The more members will give their opinion and share information within the structure proposed, the most our conclusion will be informative and legitimate. Our goal is to give a conclusion within 2 months after a valid and complete case has been submitted.

The provisional discussion will be amended and validated by an OccWatch Scientific Committee and the conclusion ("stamped "OcWatch" and dated) will be available for members.
Obviously, this conclusion might be updated in the future for instance if there are new reports or new important information.