About US


What is OccWatch?

OccWatch, as for "Occupational Diseases Sentinel Clinical Watch System", aims to study unusual work-related diseases that could highlight the emergence of new occupational risks.

The OccWatch restricted-access website allows member experts – physicians, industrial hygienists, toxicologists and others – all working in the field of occupational health to collect and share information on a possible causal link between a disease and a situation of occupational exposure. After discussing a given case within, conclusions are put forward concerning its emergent characteristics. A summary of the knowledge put forward for the case is then published on the platform where it can be accessed by members in each country and shared with their colleagues and/or supervisory bodies if they so wish.


We build Expertise in Occupational Health

The starting point is the reporting of a well-documented clinical case
of a suspected occupational disease

History of OccWatch

This scientific website is a production of the MODERNET (Monitoring Occupational Diseases and tracing New and Emerging Risks in a NETwork)

2008 - Foundation of MODERNET

A collaboration between academic centers investigating occupational disease and work-related ill health incidence

2010 - Grant support from COST

MODERNET obtained the support from the European Cooperation in Science and Technology programme between 2010-2014

2013 - A pilot version of OccWatch

OccWatch was developed by the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (Anses)